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Presentations and Speeches
The ability to speak in public is a valuable skill that can help you become an expert in your industry. It can win trust and credibility, and open doors to many opportunities. However, great speakers don’t simply get up and start talking. They carefully structure their ideas and stories to hold the audience’s interest and make their key points.
At Carrier, we can teach you how to give powerful presentations that engage audiences and keep them focused on you. We also help you craft your story and personalize it in order to connect with the audience. No matter how big the crowd is, the goal is to make everyone feel as if you are speaking to them personally.

The key to successful communication is the Rule of 3. This rule states that the most persuasive number in communication is 3. Julius Caesar’s famous quote “Veni, vidi, vici” is an example of the Rule of 3 in action. Another example is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, which starts with “We cannot dedicate- we cannot consecrate- we cannot hallow this ground.” Steve Jobs was also a master of the Rule of 3, famously using it to describe the attributes of the iPod (“thinner, lighter, and faster”).
Most importantly, however, is that you make a difference. We, therefore, make certain you have something of value to say that will make a tangible difference to the personal or professional lives of the audience. It’s the difference between speaking to 60 people and inspiring 60 million.
Additional areas of focus for presentations:
- Relevant and content-rich material
- Energy and passion – the energy you bring to your topic is as important as the content
- How to stimulate interest and arouse curiosity (essential)
- How to generate a sense of excitement – “I have a dream” not “I have a plan”
- Avoiding scrutiny – eliminating filler words and industry jargon
- Voice control – how to speak so people will want to listen
- Giving your audience 3 reasons to act on your message
- Staying focused, relevant, and to the point (no one ever complained about a presentation or speech ending early)
Additional areas of focus for speeches:
- Contact and delivery
- Keeping it real
- The 3 R’s – rich language with repetitions and rhythms
- The power of the pause
- Enhanced naturalism
- Voice projection
- Rhetorical skills and memorable tag lines (FDR, Reagan, and Obama mastered these)

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We'd love to show you how we can help improve your communication skills. We'll make certain you stand out and your messages are heard.