There’s a reason some of our biggest clients are pilots and airline executives. In today’s global quest for the sky, 3 billion passengers and nearly 50 million tons of cargo fly around the world each year, with air traffic control having doubled every 15 years.

Even travel patterns continue to shift. 30 years ago, Asia and Africa were little more than coordinates on a map and now two of the industry’s biggest markets, as the centers for economic growth change too.

All of which has increased public attention and the need to strengthen communications in the industry. The ability to communicate effectively not only contributes to the reduction of aviation accidents but essential for brand reputation and customer loyalty. 

Carrier team members, John Deleeuw and Donn Walker, are two of the most sought after aviation advisors on the planet in addressing the many challenges and communications issues.

The skills and experience they bring to each training session have become valuable tools for pilots, management teams, airline executives, and airline spokespersons.  

Working with management and decision-makers on messaging has enabled them to

improve the communications channel and respond to issues with more certainty. A swift and coherent response is crucial for business continuity and accurate information a necessity. The stakes are just too high and media scrutiny intense.

Customer satisfaction is also a major concern, especially with the increase in consumer demands and public outcry. One bad customer service mishap can create a catastrophic failure down the line and impact services worldwide. 

Carrier works with a number of airline customer service teams on things as simple as using positive body language to active listening and tone. Sure, that may sound silly and senseless, but good listening results in better communication, safety and efficiency, improves decision-making, and creates harmony.

And in an industry more known for crisis than customer satisfaction, our aviation clients are seeing just how far a little more positive body language can go. 

Carrier Media Company is a leading expert in aviation crisis management. Its training team has worked on federal aviation legislation in Congress, participates on global air safety task forces with ALPA and IATA, and is comprised of former FAA public affairs officials, flight accident investigators, and the current head of the Aviation Safety Program at the University of Southern California. To see a client list or to learn more about John Deleeuw and Donn
Walker and the entire Carrier team, visit the website.


Allen Carrier is the Founder and CEO of Carrier Media Company and an award-winning journalist and media strategist. He has worked with many of the world’s top business leaders, including a few U.S. presidents. Follow his latest insights and tips on Twitter @CarrierMediaCo. And if  you would like to improve your communications skills, visit the website here.